What Men Want In Women – Great Tips And Advice



What Men Want In WomenYou’ve probably heard that men are from Mars and women are from Venus. The act like they want one thing, yet that never seems to work, either.The very fact that you are reading this post is proof that you can’t figure out WHAT men want.

So, how can you know for sure what men want in women?

The first secret is a bit controversial. Men want to be respected. Thanks to women’s liberation and equality, women also think that they need respect, however the real core here is VERY different.

For women, living in a man’s world can mean adopting men’s values, but men need respect at a different level than what women do.

Women need to feel loved and cherished. Men also need to feel loved, but it is much different than the core level that women need to feel love.

Let me re state that because it sounds more complicated than what it really is.

What men want in women is for them to deeply respect them.

We aren’t talking about equal treatment here. Men and women are different and can’t be treated the same.

Here is another important point. What men want in women is for her to be competent, yet willing to follow his lead.

Nothing turns a guy on more than for the women to be competent and strong, yet willing to follow him as the leader.

I know that may sound a little bit old fashioned, but hey, divorce rates USED to be a lot lower, back when women knew what men want in women and just did it.

I know that I am running the risk of sending you running in the opposite direction here, I mean, hey, THEY need to respect US, too, right?

Not really.

While we, as women have been trained to ask for respect, we’ll take being loved over respected any old day. Now I’m not saying women should be trashed. No, but if a women is truly loved, then there will be a measure of respect there, also. It just will be in a lower doses than the respect.

Still with me?

OK. What men want in women is really pretty basic, the real question is, can you deliver? If you are willing to respect your man and show him honor, plus let him take the lead, he’ll be one happy camper. He’ll also be a lot more inclined to be loving with you.

In fact, if we all added a good, healthy dose of respect to all of our relationships, we’d ALL be a lot happier, with out a doubt.

How can you do this without coming off weak or needy?

Well, being respectful isn’t weak, neither is following a good leader. After all, every well fought war only had one great general, right?

Picking a man that you can easily respect makes this a whole lot simpler!

Really, as a sum up this post, it’s also about maturity. If you want a grown up relationship, then look for a grown up man. If you are also mature, chances are that you are what men want in women!

I hope that you have found this post to be helpful. If you are looking for a complete program that will help you to understand what men really want in women then I will recommend looking at our reviews on Enchant Him by Carrie Engel or on Michael Fiore’s Secret Survey system.

Have a great day and I hope to see you here again soon!


What Men Want To Hear From Women For Real


What Men Want To Hear From WomenIn real life, there are a few rules about what men want to hear from women. It’s pretty simple and these basics have been around since the cave women first spoke to her cave man.

Tell your man that he looks great. We all, eventually, start taking that someone special just a little bit for granted. So turn back the clock and start paying attention to what your man looks like, and give him a compliment. If you’ve just started dating a guy, the same phrase will do wonders for his self esteem and ego!

What men want to hear from women every now and then is for their opinion. “Can you tell me what you think about…?” This phrase really will make him glow just a little bit brighter because men love to feel like their opinion is important to you.

Another one of the top five best things to say to your man is that you are impressed with something that he has done. If he mentions an accomplishment, go ahead and express your amazement. If he mentions something that he has done, it’s probably because he is proud of an accomplishment, so if you’re impressed, he’ll love it.

While we all know that women like to hear “I love you,” it’s on the top of the list of what men want to hear from women, too. If you aren’t quite up to the declaration of love stage yet, an honest “I like you,” works equally as well. Men appreciate knowing that you enjoy them, it’s like a b-12 energy shot to the ego.

“I don’t know what I would ever do with out you!” is another winner on the list of what men want to hear from women. It seems to trigger their secret hero bone and it makes them feel really special.

I love making lists like this of things to say, although much of what I write seems like common sense to me! Of course, sincerity is the most important element in compliments and in all other aspects of your relationship. Men, and women for that matter, can usually spot a lie, I mean, insincere comment, a mile a way!

While I’m on this run, how about a few things that did NOT make the list of what men want to hear from women!

“My ex was so good at…” Really, the LAST thing either sex wants to hear is that you are thinking about an ex, much less thinking about them in a positive light. It’s really in your best interests to keep the ex’s in the past.

Here is the top no-no of what you should NOT say and what men NEVER want to hear from women, “Wow, that guy is really hot!” I’m sure you can guess why men don’t want to hear this!

OK, now that I’ve had a lot of fun writing out phrases for you, let me just add that what men want to hear from women is that you are really into them. They need reassurance, just like women do. So pay attention to you guy, and don’t be afraid to be vocal about it!

Hope that this post gave you some new ideas… see you soon and all the best!