What Men Really Want In A Woman Revealed!

What Men Really Want In A Woman
Contrary to common belief, it’s going to take more than looks to earn a man’s deepest level of respect and love. So, what will make a man look at you as a girlfriend (or even wife) material? Here are our thoughts on what men really want in a woman.

#1 – Miss Independent

Men are really turned off when women give up everything in order to make them their universe. You have to understand that men are more attracted to women who are able to provide for themselves, take time to pursue their life goals, stand up for what they believe in, and nurture other relationships.

#2 – Confident

Women with low self-confidence tend to be too submissive and needy, which are major turn offs for guys. Confidence (without being arrogant or fake) is sexy because women who have this don’t need constant support or reassurance, can make their own decisions, and can offer a guy a shoulder to cry on.

#3 – Brainy

It’s hard to believe this is what men really want in a woman, right? What’s even more amazing is it’s backed up by a study. According to a study that was published in Daily Mail U.K. (online), modern British men are putting more value on intelligence than beauty. [1]

Perhaps one reason is smart women are not easy, which is great because men love challenges. These women are also able to maintain sensible conversations and can put themselves in equal footing with men.

Caveat: Success and intelligence in a woman can be intimidating qualities for men who have insecurity issues.

#4 – Adventurous

What men really want in a woman is to be spontaneous because it keeps the relationship interesting. And the more a man is having fun in a relationship, the more he’ll want to stay.

So, the next time you go on a date, try suggesting new things you two could do, like archery, skydiving, or eat at a new restaurant. Whatever it is, make sure to keep an open mind and enjoy every moment of it.

#5 – Supportive

He may not say it out loud, but your support really means the world to him. You don’t need to adopt or like what he’s passionate about, though. Just a simple “I’ll support you” or “I love you” statement would do. Giving him unconditional understanding and support will do a lot in making your relationship grow stronger.

#6 – Emotionally Mature

What men really want in a woman is to have complete control over her emotions. The last thing he wants is a woman who throws tantrums whenever things don’t go her way.

When misunderstandings arise, don’t play the blame game. Listen to what he has to say, and when it’s your time to share your thoughts and emotions, be calm and non-dramatic.

These are just a few common traits that men are secretly looking for in a potential partner. How many qualities do you possess?

Well, we hope that you enjoyed this post. Feel free to check the attached video below for more great info.

We wish you the best and hope to see you again soon!

Shelby and Skylar


[1] Tamara Cohen. (2012 September 11). “Not just a pretty face: Modern men prefer women with brains rather than beauty.” Retrieved from the Daily Mail U.K.




Best Flirting Text Messages For Women To Send To A Guy

Flirting Text Messages For WomenThere is no doubt about it, flirting text messages for women is the hottest searched for Internet phrase of words. In any language or cultural population, both men and women want to know about flirting text messages for women and men, equally.

In fact, while you might think that men ask about flirting more often than women, the reverse is often the case. And so, for all of you flirty women out there, the topic for this post will be about flirting text messages for women that they can send to a guy, as well as flirting strategies in general.

I’m sure you already know that guys aren’t that hard to turn on. In fact, they are notoriously easy to get worked up. But, while you want to flirt and have a little fun, you don’t want to seem like you are coming on to him too fast and you most likely want to be a little subtle.

So the trick here is to flirt, while letting him think that this has been his idea all along, and get him drooling after you.

How can you do that?

There are five basic flirting text messages for women categories for you to follow.

The first one is the ‘I’m hot and you know it,’ text. This one works well as your first text after you meet a guy. It should be brief and go something like this “Go wipe off the drool, I promise we’ll meet again soon!”

If you’ve had a date with the guy, another great texting tip is the reminder text. Just drop a simple text that says “my favorite part about last night was…Can’t stop wondering what will happen next time?’ This gets him really drooling for sure!

Cliff hangers are another great way to flirt through text. These are your unfinished sentences. They should include lines like, “If only you were here right now..” Of course, he is sure to text back wanting to know exactly what you mean, but to keep him interested, you have to stay coy and not give away an answer. You’ll have to text back answers like, “Oh, I can’t tell you..YET,” or “Don’t you think surprises are so much more fun?”

Remember, ladies, you know what turns a guy on and you know how to do that in person. Doing it in text is just a brief, faster version of what you already know. Teasing with what you have to offer is the secret, and with flirting text messages for women, less is usually more effective.

As a little side note, flirting text messages for women are fine, but I would highly suggest that your flirting endeavors do NOT include pictures of your…(fill in the blank), unless you don’t care if it ends up on your mother’s Facebook. There are much better, and much less risky ways to turn a guy on, without putting your reputation, and your goods, on display for the entire world.

I hope that this post on flirting text messages for women to send to a guy was useful for you. For more great text messaging techniques feel free to check this post on the text your ex back program.

I wish you the best!

Text Messages To Get Him Back – The Most Important Rules



Text Messages To Get Him BackActually, I think that texting is a great way to rekindle a dead relationship. Texting is non confrontational and pretty non invasive. It’s fast and easy. if you do it right, you can have instant results. But before we get to text messages to get him back, let’s cover a few ground rules first.

Before you start sending a barrage of texts to your ex, you need to let the break up cool down completely first. Some experts recommend letting a month go by, and I’d guess that would be enough time to let your ex cool down and start missing you. Break ups cause a lot of emotional turmoil, and you can;’t work on getting him back until the confusion has settled down. So be brave…no contact for a month, no texting, phone calls or drive by accidents.

After you have let the time go by, your initial text messages to get him back needs to be super low key and non threatening. Keep it brief and only one text! Say something like ‘Just watched the season finale of LOST and it made me think of you. Hope you’re doing well.’ Of course, if you’ve never watched Lost then that line obviously might confuse him, just substitute a show that you used to enjoy watching together. The goal here is to get him thinking of better times and to let him know that he is still on your mind.

The next step is to let a little time go by, this time about 2 weeks and then send another text, this one designed to remind him of a fun time you had together. This text messages to get him back should go a bit like this: “Remember when we went snow boarding last year and we accidentally got stuck on the triple black diamond? After we got down and had that beer, we laughed for an hour!” Over a two week period, you could probably get away with 2 of this kind of text, depending on if he responds to you at all. Keep it strictly fun and positive!

The next type of text messages to get him back involves being supportive and encouraging. This works best if you know that you ex is having a hard time. For example, you might say: “I’m sure you’re feeling the pressure at work now that tax season started. You’re great at your job and I know you’ll get through it just fine!”

At this point, you’ve established some kind of contact with your ex, so a lot is going to depend on if he is answering you back or not. If he still isn’t responding, you may need to give it another month, and then try the three types of texts over again.

Just as a side note, I know that many articles out there about text messages to get him back are going to suggest that you use jealousy. I highly recommend that you DON’T use that. Solid relationships are built on trust, not jealousy!

These are some of the most important rules on how to get him back with text messages. If you are looking for a complete program that covers every aspect regarding text messages and shows you step-by-step what you need to do and what you must avoid in order to get your ex boyfriend back with text messages then check our review on the Text Your Ex Back program. Below you can find a short video with some tips and examples from the creator of this program, Michael Fiore.

I wish you the best!
